5 things you need to know about the Harley-Davidson fall rally

Welcome bikers! Bikers will be rolling into Ocean Lakes next week as the Hurricane Alley Fall Rally kicks into gear. The rally - which starts Monday, Oct. 2 and continues through Sunday, Oct. 8 - attracts thousands of bikers to the Grand Strand for rides and events, but is much smaller than the spring Harley-Davidson rally in May. We want all our guests who are here for the fall rally to have a fun, safe visit! Below are a few reminders about our rules, information about parking and tips to make your stay as smooth as possible. Motorcycle rules You cannot ride your motorcycle through the campground. Riding motorcycles past the designated area at the entrance (signs mark the boundaries of the designated area) or coasting (not under power but with a guest sitting on the seat) are NOT permitted. Rope and motorcycle dolly towing are permitted to and from your rental site or campsite. Three-wheel rides such as Can-Am Spyders and Polaris Slingshots must follow motor...