Ocean Lakes maintenance team 'buries' time capsule for future generation
Amid all the renovation projects and off-season upgrades keeping them busy, our maintenance team found a few minutes to leave a special gift for a future generation. Years from now – no telling when – someone will discover the special Ocean Lakes time capsule tucked in a tiny corner of our newly renovated Maintenance Shop. Maintenance teammate Rob Gardiner holds the time capsule before tucking it into its hiding place under new countertops in the Maintenance Shop. “I just thought it would be a neat idea,” maintenance teammate Rob Gardiner said. “We had a little space back there we could put something, so we thought about a time capsule.” The tight corner space under the new countertop didn’t lend itself to hold anything else. With the new counters in and complete, the time capsule isn’t accessible until those cabinets and countertops are removed. The time capsule is “buried” in that tight corner space. Nothing fancy, just a plastic box of Ocean Lakes...