Golf Car Winter Maintenance

By Greg Bender, Manager of Ocean Lakes Golf Cars Rentals, Sales & Service

Select the proper mode for storing your golf cart with this switch.
Tow/Run Switch

Battery maintenance is very critical when it comes to your golf car running efficiently. A lot of people have Electric Golf Cars that they use throughout the summer season and into the fall. Most people do not use their golf car in the winter months, they just leave it in their garage or in a storage facility for 3 - 4 months until spring; and then decide to charge it up and use it. By then the golf car will not take a charge because battery voltage has gotten too low. If you are storing your golf car for the winter make sure the water level is filled to the correct capacity and it is fully charged before storing it. Distilled water is recommended to use when watering batteries. If your golf car has a Tow/Run switch under the seat make sure you place the switch in the “Tow” mode when not using for a period of time (longer than a week). This will help prevent the batteries from discharging quicker than if left in the “Run” mode.
When storing use the Tow/Run Switch located under the seat.
The older the batteries are the quicker they will discharge in storage. Now, if you have access to your golf car in the winter it is recommended to charge it at least once a month. Most golf cars now have automatic chargers so they will shut off once the golf car is completely charged. Depending on the type of golf car you have, if you leave the charger hooked up all the time it will cycle every 2 - 3 weeks with a trickle charge to keep batteries topped off. It is not recommended to leave the charger hooked up if your golf car is not accessible all the time.

Remove corrosion.
Along with watering your batteries correctly, it is crucial to keep the tops of your batteries and terminals clean. This will allow you to get the best performance out of your batteries. If you have a lot of corrosion on terminal ends you can use a baking soda and water solution on top of the batteries (while the caps are secured down). This will help neutralize any acid on the top of the batteries and help remove any corrosion from the terminals.
Keep your battery terminals clean with baking soda & water.
Let the baking soda and water solution sit a couple minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. Once the terminals are dry and free from corrosion, it is recommended to put on some type of terminal protectant.

If you follow all the steps above this will help increase the life of your batteries which is normally around 5 years for a lead acid deep cycle battery. 

For more information about golf cars visit

Greg Bender, Manager of Ocean Lakes Golf Cars in Myrtle Beach, SC.About the Writer…
Greg Bender has worked for Ocean Lakes Family Campground for 24 years with more than 20 years experience in the golf car industry. His introduction into the golf car industry began while working as an Ocean Lakes Golf Car Attendant in his teens. Bender’s career evolved from Golf Car Mechanic to his current position as Manager of Ocean Lakes Golf Cars, Laundry & Vending.


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