Storm Recovery | The latest on the 4000 section, power, recreation, and more

The campground overall has bounced back quickly from Hurricane Matthew, but we still have a few spots that aren’t back to normal yet. 

Our crews continue to work hard to pick up debris, make repairs and return everything to tip-top shape. 

Thanks for your patience as our clean up continues. Here’s the latest:

4000 section | Cleanup continues in this section, which was filled with limbs, downed trees and debris. Sites already are coming back online as they are cleared and deemed safe for campers.

We are trying to accommodate every guest as best we can. Please be patient with us as the cleanup continues.

POWER | Two sections are still without power: 1200 and 5400. UPDATE: As of Thursday morning, power has been restored in both of those sections. Everything in the campground now has power!

Our crews have done all we can on our end to restore power; we are now at the mercy of our local power provider Santee Cooper.

BEACH SHOWERS | Shower towers at the beach accesses will not be operating for the next few days. Our bathhouses are up and running.

NEWSPAPER | Because of the flooding in North Carolina, The Charlotte Observer will not be available in our racks until further notice. 

Get the latest news at until delivery of the print edition resumes. 

Sorry for the inconvenience.

OCEANFRONT | Lots of work still happening along the sections right by the beach. Crews are repairing the washed-out area by the basketball courts, rebuilding the dunes and removing sand from Seaside Drive, which is open.

RECREATION | Recreation activities resumed Wednesday, and the Recreation Center is open. 

Reminder: The Sandy Harbor Game Center, Sandy Harbor Mini Golf and indoor pool are open, too! UPDATE: The water in the indoor pool may be cooler than usual. The heater is giving us trouble; we have a crew on it. But you might want to dip a toe in to test the water temperature first before jumping in! We expect it to be repaired and the water back up to the warm 86 degrees by Saturday.

HALLOWEEKENDS | The party is still on! Join us for Halloweekends this weekend Oct. 14-15, Oct. 21-22 or Oct. 28-29.

All of the Halloweekend festivities are ready to roll, including trick or treating, pumpkin carving and the popular costume contests. 

Get the full rundown of events here.

GETTING HERE | While the interstates are open in South Carolina, some other roads aren’t yet, and major roads in other states such as North Carolina are still blocked. 

Get the latest road conditions – including links to current road maps for the Carolinas and Virginia - here.

Thanks to all our guests for your patience in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. We will continue to provide the latest info as it becomes available.

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