Main Gate Expansion | An Ocean Lakes Maintenance Update
As many of our Guests and Annual Lease Site Holders know, we reserve the winter months as a time to complete projects throughout the campground. This past winter was no different; however, one project was not crossed off the list. With this project being essential and beneficial to all, we must move forward with the plans. Pardon Our Dust | We are doubling the size of our Main Gate. This will provide a larger administrative area, more space to help Security monitor the campground, and assist with late arrivals. Well Said, Cedric | The Security and Services Manager, Cedric, is excited for the expansion and hopeful for the benefits it will bring: “The Main Gate expansion will assist Security and our guests once completed. It will allow us to speak with and access guests on the north side of the gate upon their exit. This expansion comes in preparation for having a future dispatcher that will be responsible for viewing cameras in our common areas, which gives the opport...