The Camper Next Door | An Ocean Lakes Memory

One family’s happy place is another family’s sanctuary. Many of us take our yearly or even monthly family vacations and create wonderful memories, while others are here that one time of year to simply be thankful and take a breather from their everyday life. 

Meeting our guests is one of every teammate’s favorite part of the job. It is what makes it more than “just a job” for many of us. Our guests are truly amazing. They each come from different walks of life, and they each have a story. The stories are what we love – the heartaches, the happy times, the memories of the Jackson’s, and every now and then, a family reminds us of what we are doing here. 

Ocean Lakes has been tagged as everyone’s “happy place” or their “home away from home.” Our team has learned that Ocean Lakes is a form of church for some, as well. A place to reflect, to count blessings, to talk to God, and a place to rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.  

Meet Shelly Menges and her family from Cumberland, MD. They have been camping at Ocean Lakes for 5 years, and they use their time with us as a time for reflection and rejuvenation.  

Traveling Through Storms | Shelly and her family have gone through many trials and tribulations in the past few years. For them, Ocean Lakes is a breath of fresh air:

“Ocean Lakes gives us time to reflect on our blessings. The beauty and atmosphere make us thankful that we made it through our storms. From building a marriage back up to my husband’s two back surgeries, and then COVID starting. Then our daughter, Malea, received a tragic diagnosis of a rare, genetic disease called, “Alpers.” We had to put her in a coma for thirty-two days to save her life, which then came a recovery of learning to eat, talk, walk, and live a life of change from being an active softball player to being a handicapped sixteen-year-old with an unknown prognosis on life. Soon after, our son received his third knee surgery, and I underwent surgery on my ankle."

"Our trip to Ocean Lakes this past year was a breath of fresh air! A time to reflect on our blessings and regenerate our heart and bodies. This was needed to return to our life of constant change and unknowns.”

Up Close and Personal | Shelly shed some light on Alpers:

“Alpers Huttenlocher Disease is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutation in the gene for the mitochondrial (DNA) POLG. Alpers is one of the most severe POLG disorders. You cannot catch the disease; you are born with it. The disease occurs in about 1 in 100,000 people. Only 20% diagnosed with Alpers present symptoms between the ages of 2 and 25. There is no cure for Alpers Disease, and no way to slow its progression. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Anticonvulsants can be used to treat seizures, but at times, the seizures do not respond to therapy, even at high doses. The prognosis for the disease is poor. But a team of doctors (neurologist, gastroenterologist, occupational, physical and speech therapy) assist with management of symptoms to maintain function, if possible, and to ensure comfort and promote the best possible quality-of-life. The rest is in God's hands.” 


This week marks her daughter’s two-year survivor anniversary since being diagnosed with this disease. 

“Waking up to something this beautiful is a reminder to enjoy every moment God has given us and to be thankful for a new day.”

Until Next Time | If you take anything from the blog this week, take this:

We are all going through something. The loss of a loved one, financial worries, work troubles, medical concerns, school challenges. The list goes on. Nobody knows what our neighbors are going through. 

Be kind, smile, go out of your way to say hello, offer to help with setting up, share a camping tip or your favorite recipe. One small act of kindness means more to others than you would ever realize. And by simply saying hello to your camping neighbor, you may leave with more wonderful memories than you could have even imagined. 

Take time to reflect. Count your blessings. Let God work through you. 

And, as always, we hope to see you soon at everyone’s happy place.


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