Lens on Adventure | An Ocean Lakes How-To

Hey there, y'all! I'm Madisyn Saunders, your friendly photography guide from the Marketing Department here at Ocean Lakes. Drawing from my decade of experience, I've gathered invaluable insights to help you master the art of vacation photography.

Whether you're wielding a professional camera or simply using your trusty smartphone, I've curated my top 5 tips to elevate your vacation photos into stunning works of art. 

Ready? Let's get started! 

Ditch the Digital Zoom | Our first tip is all about leaving that digital zoom in the dust. While it's tempting to zoom in on your subject, using digital zoom can actually harm the quality of your shots. 

So, let's embrace a better approach. Whenever possible, get physically closer to your subject. This way, you retain the image's sharpness and capture those mesmerizing details that make vacation photos unforgettable. And if you can't get any closer? No worries! Snap the shot as is and crop it to create the perfect composition. 

The Rule of Thirds | Our next tip is a classic but ever-relevant technique that can instantly elevate your vacation photos: The Rule of Thirds. Here's how it works: Mentally divide your frame into a grid with two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, creating nine equal segments. Now, instead of placing your subject smack dab in the center of the frame, aim to position it along one of the gridlines or at their intersection points. 

By doing so, you create a more dynamic and engaging composition. Whether it's a stunning landscape or a cherished portrait, aligning your subject with the Rule of Thirds adds depth and guides the viewer's eye through the photo, making for a captivating visual experience. 

Find the Light | When it comes to photography, natural light is your greatest ally. Instead of relying solely on artificial sources, embrace the beauty of sunlight. Here are a few tips to get you started on mastering the art of lighting.  
Golden Hour: The first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset provides the most magical light. Its soft and warm glow adds a touch of enchantment to photos. 

Harsh Shadows: On bright, sunny days, harsh shadows can be problematic. Look for ways to diffuse and soften the light. I often use natural diffusers like trees or clouds to achieve a more pleasing effect. 

Backlighting Brilliance: Experiment with backlighting— meaning, positioning your subject between the camera and the light source. This technique can create stunning silhouettes or add a beautiful rim of light around your subject. 
Steady Hands, Sharper Images 

A steady hand can make all the difference between blurry shots and tack-sharp images. First, hold your camera or phone with both hands, keeping your elbows close to your body. This creates a stable base and minimizes shakes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining a balanced posture. If possible, lean against a stable surface like a wall or a tree to add further support. 

Be Creative! | 
When it comes to vacation photography, don't shy away from creativity! Instead of relying solely on traditional poses, encourage your subjects to interact and play during the shoot. Prompt your kids to hold hands, play games like "red light, green light," or even have a silly contest like pointing to the sibling with the stinkiest feet—guaranteed to elicit genuine laughs! Candid, unposed moments capture the joy that vacations bring. 

By embracing spontaneity and encouraging natural interactions, you'll capture authentic emotions and create lasting memories frozen in time. Remember, the best photos often come from the heart and not just from behind the camera. 

Now that you've mastered the art of taking perfect vacation photos, it's time to showcase your talent! We invite you to share your most captivating shots with us, and who knows, your masterpiece could become a star! 

Picture This! Calendar Photo Contest | Each year, Ocean Lakes gives guests like you the opportunity to be featured in our Wall Calendar. The submission deadline is September 1st, so gather your best shots and submit them for a chance to shine. 

Remember, your shots must be horizontal and at least 12 inches wide by 9 inches high to fit the calendar dimensions. (Vertical photos will not be considered.

To submit your photos, fill out the Photo Release on our website, then email your photos and release to memories@oceanlakes.com. 

We are looking forward to seeing your masterpieces! Happy clicking!  


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