Do Good And Clean Up The Doo | Campground Conversations

This week, on Campground Conversations, we are talking to our Director of Marketing and Public Relations, Barb Krumm! She has been with Ocean Lakes for 22 years, which means she has seen a lot and done a lot. Bluegrass Weekend, Beach n’ Boogie Weekend, Halloweekends, Polar Bear Plunge… That is all her creative thinking, my friend. Coming from art school, she uses her creative juices to bring lots of FUN to the campground.

Speaking Of FUN | Recycling is FUN, too! Ocean Lakes’ iCare Program's slogan is, "Awareness and Action Count," and it aims to reduce the campground’s environmental impact by educating our guests about recycling, pet pollution, and other issues while urging action to address them.

Here is what Barb had to say on iCare: Pet Pollution |

Ocean Lakes’ iCare Program, established in 2009, focuses on educating our guests about issues that impact the environment in our area and suggests action to address these issues.

Our team committed to implementing ways to be good stewards and to educate and encourage our guests to do the same while on vacation here. It started with recycling and storm water issues, and today it encompasses so much more. Our teammates get excited about our iCare efforts, and we know many of our guests do, too!

The truth is that we are a big place and during a few months of the year, we have a lot of guests and teammates in our campground. All those people can make quite an impact on our property and the environment. The question is: Will the impact be for the better or worse? 

Pets are one of the big reasons that people camp and we consider them part of the family at Ocean Lakes.

Learn about our Pet Courtesy Policies that we ask all pet owners to abide by while in the campground by visit our website.

Pet Waste – Pet Pollution | The main issue we have is that not all pet owners are cleaning up after their pets. Pet waste is more than gross - It is detrimental to our environment and humans. Pet pollution is carried by storm water runoff that contributes to high bacteria levels in our waterways and beaches after a heavy rain event.

If you are familiar with the Grand Strand, then you know that stormwater drains from the inland, so it goes from the inland several miles out to the ocean. If you walk the beach, you see the outfall pipes. These pipes are where the water drains, and it goes into the ocean.

The Scoop About Pets | There are a lot of good pet parents out there who do the right thing, and we appreciate it! However, 6 years ago, the time came to alter our tactics to get the attention of those who refuse to clean up after their pet. We debated how to do this for years, and past experiences proved that some people will not comply unless there is a literal cost associated with ignoring the policies and requests to be courteous to others. So, on January 1, 2014, we began to enforce a $100 fine for guests who do not clean up after their pets.

Do Not Start With The “Money Hungry” Comments | Rest assured, this is not a source of revenue for Ocean Lakes. Every penny from this fine is donated to our favorite animal charity. Our team relies on local pet care charities to help take care of injured animals found in our park, such as swans and ducks.

No DNA Testing Necessary | We have plenty of teammates and undercover eyewitnesses who are willing to help reduce pet pollution by reporting guests who refuse to “scoop the poop.” In season, we have nearly 500 – 600 teammates, many not only work here, but live and play here, too, making them valuable eyewitnesses. Even in the off-season, there are more than 200 teammates.

Doggie Doo Good | A plastic shopping bag works fine for collecting pet waste; however, there are 29 iCare “Doggie Doo Stations” located throughout the campground, which are marked on our maps. Each station provides biodegradable bags for guests to use to clean up after their pet. These bags amount to quite an investment for Ocean Lakes, so please take only what you need so there is enough for others (we are not sure why some take an entire roll as they are not so good for packing lunches).

How Do iCare? | Ocean Lakes purchases about 250,000 Doggie Doo Bags annually for guests to properly dispose of their pet’s waste. That is about $7,000 just for the bags. We invest in our campground and in items that make our guests’ vacations convenient and more relaxing.

You can make a difference, too! Take care to clean up after your pet. As you walk your dog, Doggie Doo Stations are conveniently located in 29 locations throughout the campground.

Here Are Some Ways To Show uCare |

-       Reduce, Reuse, Recycle at one of our 7 iCare recycling stations!
-       Minimize Pet Pollution by cleaning up after your pet. There are 29 “Doggie Doo Stations” with biodegradable bags to use for pet waste.
-       Do not leave Cigarette Butts at your campsite (or anywhere) because they are litter, too. Please discard of them in a proper place – we have a special “butt” can in the iCare Recycling Station across from Camptown Center.Toxins from the butts enter the water, as well.
-       Recycle Fishing Line at one of our six receptacles adjacent to our lakes.
-       Bathe in the Sun! Our 2100 bathhouse features solar heated water.
-       Put Litter in its Place. We are surrounded by water. Litter and waste are harmful to marine life and the water quality.

Until Next Time | Stay tuned for the Campground Conversations video segment tomorrow on our social media! You will meet Barb and learn about the importance of cleaning up after your pet!

Learn more in our magazine, at our main iCare Station located across from the Camptown Center, at the Ocean Lakes Nature Center Discovery Lab, and by visiting our website.

That’s our Campground Conversation for the week – We will catch ya later, Ocean Lakes!


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